AC Service, Workshop or Repair Manuals

A brief of AC
In 1962, Korea's Government approved legislation exempting tax imported parts from the assembly of domestic KDs as one of the steps to meet with its First Five Year Economic Development Plan. In 1965, the financial assistance of entrepreneur Lee Mun-hwan led to the establishment of Asia Motor Industries in Gwangju. Initially, the firm had been producing military cars, lorries, and busses, but discussions were quickly opened with Fiat and in 1970 Fiat 124 models were assembled. It has been broadened into the SUV and heavy-duty truck industry, including big and medium-sized trucks, special military vehicles, lightweight automobiles, civilian jeeps, the Rocsta and Retona jeeps, motor vehicle components, including motors, busses, and minibusses. Dongkuk Steel bought Asia Motors in 1969. In 1973, the government of South Korea started a program to support low-cost automobile manufacture for exports. Asia Motors was unable to fulfill the plan by losing its automobile assembly licenses and Kia obtained a military vehicle monopoly for South Korea in 1976, as the government promised Kia. In 1978, Asia Motors inked an arrangement to achieve economies of scale for its low-voltage products with Hino Motors of Japan. Kia and the Asian brand were bought by Hyundai in 1999. The substitute for the Rocsta was offered by the Kia brand, the Retona, etc.One of the popular or biggest Manufacturer Company AC. They produce several vheivles and we have collected and also collecting most of them for you. We have 4 Models of AC those are listed check below for more details.
We have managed and splited AC automotive repair manuals into different categories as follows:
- AC Workshop Manuals
- AC Owners Manuals
- AC Service Manuals
- AC Wiring Diagrams
- AC Repair Manuals and Repair Guide
- AC Sales Brochures
- AC General Miscellaneous
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Free download AC Workshop, Owners Manual, Repaire Guide
The AC Workshop, Owners Manual, Repaire Guide is a free download. The workshop manual has been created by our users and contains information about the car's features, operation and maintenance. Most of the manuals are in English and contains detailed diagrams for all the models of AC vehicles.We have collected in total 4 AC Models and there are a few models also available. Just see below or you can check easily from the below list where we arrange all with their name and links.